Today I had to say good bye to Nadja und Kati. The girls took the train down south to visit a former co-worker (big shout out to Martina) while I stayed in Brisbane and tried to book a sailing trip. Not sure when I will see the girls again but since all of us are travelling north to Cairnes there will be a good chance that we will meet somewhere along the way.
Too late I realized that I still don’t have a pic of Nadja and her car of dreams.
So Naddel, take a picture and send it to me by mail. My readers demand that pic ;-)
In the afternoon I went east to Manly to look for a sailing trip in Moreton Bay . To my surprise there was just one company offering sail training. But I got lucky and secured the last remaining seat on the boat. It is a 3-day-trip to build up the basics of yachting. Since I only have skippered tiny 4m boats on tideless lakes, it might be a good advice to start at the bottom.
When I walked into my room I met a new roommate named Steward. I introduced myself and was wondering how Steward was doing. Instead of saying something like “allright, how ‘bout ya?” I got a 45 minutes monologue about his “mission” in Brisbane . He was 79 years old with no teeth in his face and a real thick accent. Another real Aussie bloke and I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. After he noticed I was not a native speaker he adapted and it was manageable to get the gist. He was in Brisbane to have the doctor checked on his heart.
- girls are gone
- Steward
- girls are gone
- Steward
hey we are still alive!! i'm going to rent my mazda 3 in melbourne (great ocean road!!) send u the pic :-) bye for now